Tayapro Mediverse - Community
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Join our Community to Catapult Your Health, Career, and Relationships into The 21st Century
We are delighted to invite you, our valued patients, dedicated physicians, esteemed healthcare professionals, and aspiring medical students to join the Tayapro Mediverse community hosted by Dr. Benoit Tano.
The Tayapro Mediverse is a digital haven offering an extensive library of resources to enhance your understanding of optimal health and wellness. These resources include digital books, enlightening audiobooks, engaging video courses, and live on-demand courses. Dr. Tano has carefully curated this collection to empower our community members with transformative knowledge. These invaluable resources are available in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, with plans for translation into many more languages as our community's interest grows.
One of the highlights of Tayapro Mediverse is our weekly Saturday gatherings, where we come together for two enlightening hours of question-and-answer sessions. Dr. Tano and his team are committed to answering your questions, sharing expert insights, and fostering a collaborative environment dedicated to optimal health and wellness. These sessions are recorded for your convenience so you can revisit them at your leisure.
To access this wealth of knowledge and interactive sessions, we are introducing a small subscription fee of $50 per month, paid annually ($600 per year), giving you unlimited access to the Tayapro Mediverse library and many offerings.
We invite you to embark on this remarkable journey to optimal health and wellness by joining Dr. Tano's Tayapro Mediverse community. Your presence and participation would enormously enrich our collective knowledge and experience.
Join us today and become part of a community that thrives on the pursuit of optimal health and wellness. We look forward to your presence and active participation in Tayapro Mediverse.
To join and subscribe to our community, please visit https://tayapro.com/tayapromedivese/shop/product/access-to-tayapro-mediverse-yearly-subscription or contact us at 855-372-8266 for any inquiries.
Or click the link to schedule a 15-minute discovery session: https://calendly.com/drbtano-1/introduction - https://calendly.com/drbtano-1/introduction
Thank you for considering our invitation, and we hope to welcome you to Tayapro Mediverse soon.
Benoît Tano, MD PhD
Audio/Mp3: https://revoicer.s3.amazonaws.com/voices/2503861_1701580089.mp3

Watch The Video Below to See an Example of our Q & A Session 

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